Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)


Generally regarded as North America's premier cabinet wood, walnut is a semi-porous wood that is famous for its rich brown colour. Although kiln-dried walnut has a pleasant uniform brown colour, the real personality of walnut is evident in air dried stock. When air-dried, walnut wood is alive with subtle under tones of greens, blues and purples. Additionally, the sapwood in air dried walnut maintains its creamy white colour and is clearly demarcated from its hardwood. The sapwood of is usually considerable, making the yield of pure heart wood much lower than might be expected. Like cherry, the sapwood is often trimmed from planks or blanks prior to use, but careful inclusion of sapwood into a project can give it considerable character.

Walnut works and finishes well, and looks good just as good with an 'in the wood' as it does under a film finish.

Also known as:

No known aliases.

For further information see:
Some recent projects made from Black Walnut:

    Maple and Walnut Barograph Box

    Sea Green Painted Walnut Jewellery Bowl

    Green and Yellow Painted Walnut Jewellery Bowl

    Heartwood-Sapwood Black Walnut Hollow Form

    Workshop Yarn Bowl Trio

    Ash and Walnut Yarn Bowl

    13" Black Walnut Salad Bowl

    11.25" Black Walnut Bowl

    13" Walnut Salad Bowl

    Elongated Natural Edge Walnut Bowl

    Walnut Yarn Bowl with Curly Maple Rim

    Ying-yang Black Walnut Hollow Form

    Black Walnut Onion Finial Box

    Black Walnut hourglass with curly maple inlay

    Black walnut hour glass with yellow cedar

    Classic Box in Black Walnut

    Spalted and Figured Maple Spherical Trinket Box

    Spalted Yellow Birch Spherical Box

    Black walnut with thuya burl inset lid

    Black Walnut with Yellow Cedar Burl Inset Lid

    10.5" Black Walnut and Curly Maple Striped Bowl

    13" Black Walnut and Curly Maple Striped Bowl

    Striped Cherry Bowl From a Board

    Walnut with Maple Burl Inset Lid

    Cherry and Maple Striped Bowl From a Board

    Walnut and Maple Cresents Bowl From A Board

    Walnut Calibash Fruit Bowl

    Walnut Calibash Bowl - 2

    White Elm Spherical Box

    Walnut Hollow Form

    Curly Ash Spherical Box

    Walnut Hourglass with yellow cedar burl inlay

    Curly Maple Box With Inset Walnut Lid

    Black Walnut Box with Bigleaf Maple Burl

    Spalted elm with alumilite inlay

    Split Turned Scoops

    Walnut Calabash Snack Bowl

    Large Walnut Salad Bowl - 4

    Large Walnut Salad Bowl - 2

    Large Walnut Salad Bowl - 3

    Walnut hourglass with burl inlay

    Walnut ringbox with offset cedar burl inlay

    Round Bottom Walnut Box with Curly Maple Inlay

    Spherical Walnut Box

    Classic walnut with yellow cedar inlay

    Walnut hourglass with yellow cedar inlay

    Classic Box in Walnut with Maple Inlay

    Maple Ribbon Platter

    Large Walnut Salad Bowl

    Walnut Offset with Inlay

    Christmas 2018

    Walnut Femisphere

    Walnut with curly maple inlay

    Round Bottom Walnut Box

    'Jupiter' Walnut Round Bottom Box

    Maple and Walnut Coolie Box

    Christmas 2017

    Christmas Bells - 2016